How to Create Online Course in 10 Awesome Steps

I am assuming that you decided to make money by selling Online course but don’t know the right steps of how to create Online Course.

How to Create Online Course

You can also be someone who’s working in Corporate world and you are given a Job to train your Sales Rep, and since this is a Repetitive job, you are looking to Create a Course and Distribute within your company.

Whatever might be the scenario. No worries, I will help you in gathering all the knowledge necessary to create an online course, choosing a suitable subject, creating a website for your course, and making money by selling online courses through your website.

10 Steps to Create Online Course

  1. Decide on the Course topic
  2. Research Market Demand of that Topic
  3. Analyze the Subject in Depth
  4. Decide the Course Format
  5. Decide the Course Price and Sales Goals
  6. Write the Outline of Course
  7. Create the Course Content
  8. Chose the Right Online Platform
  9. Bring your Course Online and Sell
  10. Create a Feedback System

How to Overcome mental barriers of Creating a Course?

Even if you desire to design a course, something can be stopping you. There is something nagging you in the back of your mind, warning you not to do it.

The obstacles in your mind are very natural and exist in even the most accomplished course creators. There are some simple principles getting through these most typical mental obstacles.

You think you are not an expert:

Just tell yourself “I know more than my students”. With your course you are serving as “Solution” to your students “Problems”, you don’t necessarily need to become an expert to the Topic you have chosen.

I will go once step further and say the term Expert is a myth, don’t think about this too much.

There are already hundreds of courses in the same topic:

Yes, there were many before you started and there will many more in future, even if you don’t start. Take it as a good thing, from the buyer perspective.

It validates that there are lots of Buyer, and your course can also have a piece of that sales pie.

You need to spend a Ton of Money:

Absolutely not the case my friend. You can start almost Free with a WordPress website and designing an Online course upon that.

You can even choose several award-winning Online platforms like ‘Thinkific” with ready-made tools to get you started.

You don’t know the tools and techniques:

I think you are already familiar with some of the tools that exists in your Mac or PC like document editor, Presentation slide maker, collaborative tools like online meeting, and video and screen recorders.

These basic tools are already available to you and you can make use of them.

Lots of work, You don’t have time:

Start small. Take a topic you are knowledgeable about and make it into a brief course to test the market and your interest in course creation.

It gives you a better notion of what to do next and what people are interested in learning more about.

Reasons, Why should you start an Online Course?

Market is Big and Expanding

The demand for online courses is rising quickly in tandem with the market’s size and profitability in the knowledge-driven economy.

By 2026, the worldwide e-learning market is anticipated to be worth $374.3 billion. The cumulative annual growth rate (CAGR) for the worldwide e-learning market is 14.6%.

Make an Impact, Make your Name

This gives you the chance to educate your target audience about your subject.

Once more, this strengthens your reputation and makes it simpler for potential clients to believe in your other offerings.

Earn a Passive Income

As a online teacher you have the ability to develop a course and sell it repeatedly over time of course making new changes.

If you decide to become one, you can anticipate being compensated for your expertise and developing a passive income stream.

Geographical Independence

You are not restricted to a single place and can establish an online academy anywhere in the world. While still being able to offer and sell your courses to a global audience and connect with individuals from other nations.

Low investment to Start

It costs extremely little, nearly nothing, to establish an online course. Because you won’t need to produce printing materials, rent out space to students, or buy them printing supplies.

Since this is an online medium, your students can access your course from a Mobile phone or a compute of their choice.

So, What are you waiting for Let’s Start.

STEP 1: Decide on the Course topic

Your online course should focus on a subject that you are either currently familiar about or are eager to study in-depth about. In either case, you must have a strong interest in the topic.

Choosing a course topic is the first step in setting up an online course. Choose a topic you enjoy talking about and take into account what your audience needs to know for a pleasant and engaging online course. Additionally, you must to possess substantial expertise and experience.

You might already be familiar with some of the material you’ll teach.

You’ll find this phase to be simpler if you’ve already been teaching in a classroom setting. However, online courses give you access to a variety of resources, and you can use these tools to reevaluate your topics and build on them.

By subdividing your main topic, you can build courses that are more focused.

By Chance, If you haven’t made up your mind yet, I’ll assist you by providing you with a thorough list of the top 8 niches.

1. Technology and Software

2. Business & Entrepreneurship

3. Arts & Crafts

4. Health

5. Education

6. Writing and Content Creation

7. Personal Development

8. Entertainment

STEP 2: Research Market Demand of that Topic

After choosing the subject, you should conduct market research right away. You will learn whether or not there is a demand for your content.

Many online course developers erroneously believe that courses with a lot of competition won’t be viable.

However, it shows that the content has a significant market demand and is worthwhile of further investigation.

To find out what others are looking for regarding your issue, conduct keyword research. You’ll fairly get a sense of what people are searching for online. As a result, you can enroll in an online course.

STEP 3: Analyze the Subject in Depth

Now is the moment to go in deeply until you are fully informed on the subject, whether you are already an expert in your industry or are eager to learn it from scratch.

Go beyond the information that course attendees can quickly obtain in search results as part of your entire learning process. Take it a step further and find a range of publications on the subject, from books to rival classes and webinars.

Conduct keyword research to determine the kinds of questions people are asking about the subject. This can help you have a better sense of the questions that your audience would find interesting.

Watch out for any subcategories that may exist in your niche. For instance, if you intend to teach a course on how to care for indoor plants, you’ll want to cover the fundamentals like water and natural light.

But in order to add value, look for original viewpoints to broaden the course’s focus, such as the several kinds of air-purifying plants.

STEP 4: Decide the Course Format

Courses can be delivered in a variety of formats and media. Your course’s structure and delivery will dictate how you market it to students, how much content you should include in it, and how much you can properly charge for it.

There are three main types of courses: mini-courses, multi-day courses, and masterclasses.


Typically, a mini-course takes an hour or two to finish. It can appear in a variety of formats, such as a playlist of 10 brief films or a series of emails.

Mini-courses are typically provided at a low cost (e.g., under $100) or even for free in order to act as a lead magnet or marketing tool for more expensive and in-depth course offerings.

A mini-course is a fantastic approach to test the market and learn how to make a larger course as a course builder.

Multi-day course

Multi-day courses are digital educational goods for intermediate students that typically take them several days to finish.

They may also contain supplemental materials like worksheets and checklists as well as pre-recorded movies that divide the course into various levels or modules.

These programs frequently cost between $250 and $2,000. If you’ve already had success with a mini-course to validate your idea, a multi-day course is great.


Masterclasses can last from a few weeks to many months and are designed to give customers a complete system for success.

The cost of these courses, which are often offered to professionals, ranges from $300 to $5,000. In general, you shouldn’t start with a masterclass while developing a course for the first time. Instead, first gain experience by developing short courses and multi-day programs.

STEP 5:Decide the Course Price and Sales Goals

The decision to set a course pricing is among the most challenging for a course producer to make out of all the procedures involved in developing and selling online courses. This is a bit tricky but important step of the whole process of Course building and selling. There are several factors affecting the pricing of a course such as

1. Your time spend on this Course.

Always count your effort and labor building this course, in your Pricing considerations. How much time was spent creating the course? How long did it take you to record lessons, create worksheets, and provide materials for the course?

2. Your Marketing Cost

What budget do you have for marketing? Make sure the price of your course adequately accounts for the expense of marketing it. When determining the cost of your course, don’t forget to include marketing expenses. You might spend as much money on marketing a cheap course as you would on promoting a pricey one.

3. Your Impact on Buyers Lives

You might be able to charge more for your course if it produces measurable impact. People are frequently prepared to pay more for the following outcomes:

career development

higher potential income

personal satisfaction

enhanced standard of living

better connections

acquisition of a new passion or skill

4. Course buyer Saves Time or Gains Money

If you can determine this will give lots of ease on Pricing your Course. The direct impact of your course on Buyers Life is determined by if this course makes them money or saves them time. Once you have zeroed down this point, It will be lots easier to price your course.

STEP 6:Write the Outline of Course

Create the curriculum for your online course right away. Make a list of the many lessons you intend to teach online using a Spread sheet and not a piece of paper. Distinguish the primary points you wish to discuss in each class.

To promote a simple and fluid learning experience, proceed logically and attempt to let your ideas flow effortlessly from one to the next.

Divide the content into modules and lessons

Break up more basic topics into subtopics and arrange them all in a logical order if you intend to construct a lengthy course.

STEP 7:Create the Course Content

Plan your Course:

The strategy goes beyond a simple curriculum. Each learning module’s material ought to be developed to aid in the learner’s assimilation and retention of important knowledge. Describe how the educational material will be delivered in further detail.

Maintaining the learners’ interest from one module to the next is essential. It’s also crucial to understand the waypoint idea. Users should be able to suspend a course anywhere and resume it at any moment without losing their place in it.

Design each module:

Each eLearning module is a sequential collection of resources on a certain subject and often includes:

2-4 post learning goals for the module.

Instructions for using learning resources to assist users in understanding or

Learning exercises to assist users in applying what they have learned or practiced

Create learning materials and activities: The main components of this phase, which is the most challenging and time-consuming, include texts, images, video, music, animations, interactions, and assessments.

Fortunately, there are several authoring tools and resources, both free and paid, that can assist you in producing eLearning content.

STEP 8:Chose the Right Online Platform

This is the easy part, and you just need to decide taking into account your Budget and type of your Course.

There are many distinct online course platforms, each with their own special features, but there are three main categories:

Do-it-Yourself (DIY):

Create your own WordPress website. Install LMS plugins and populate your course Content. You need to create your Own email marketing strategy with other WP plugins like Mailchimp or Convertkit.

Setup your own Payment gateway integration. Take care of Quizzes and Certifications if the LMS is not providing out of the Box. Grow and Scale your Business on your own.

Standalone Platform:

You have a great deal of control over your content and data on standalone platforms. Thinkific and Teachable are two examples of standalone platforms.

All-in-One Platform:

All-in-one solutions combine your website builder, content delivery platform, and marketing tools into a one location.

All-in-one course platforms are typically the most expensive, but they can be valuable because they enable you avoid utilizing several tools to complete the same task.

Marketplace Platform:

Online course marketplaces provide a venue with an audience already present that can help your course emerge more quickly than you could on your own.

On the other hand, you typically have less control over your data and pricing.

STEP 9:Bring your Course Online and Sell

The time has come! We are aware that there are several phases involved in creating a successful course that will benefit you, your students, and the market.

Having said that, selling process is everything on you. The key is to concentrate on your buyers problem and how your course will help them address it, whether they are making purchases over the phone or directly from a landing page.

Here are a few marketing strategies to consider using to market your course and make sales:

Weekly/Monthly Webinar: Webinars are usually inexpensive and a great method to get course leads. There is a higher chance that someone who watches a 30- to 60-minute webinar will also buy your course.

Email Marketing:

 Capture emails from your Landing Page. While a visitor may not immediately purchase your course when they click on your landing page, requesting their email and establishing an email marketing funnel may persuade them to do so later.

You may also utilize email to develop a mini-course that advertises your main course.

Social Media Marketing:

Build a social media plan that puts a consistent emphasis on adding value by determining the best platforms to communicate with your potential followers and focusing on them.

Post Online Ads:

Targeting your ideal customer and getting them to become a customer after seeing an ad can be accomplished by running paid advertisements such as Google Ads or Facebook ads.

STEP 10: Create a Feedback System:

Getting feedback online is no longer difficult. In recent times, it has gotten a lot simpler. You should utilize digital instruments to their full potential once it comes to your online classes.

By requesting comments both during and after lessons, you can improve your content.


What are the key steps to creating an online course?

Identifying your course topic and audience, designing your course content, developing course materials, establishing an online course platform, promoting your course, and launching your course are the essential phases in building an online course.

How do you choose a course topic?

Think about your areas of expertise and what your target audience is most interested in learning when selecting a course topic. Study hot themes in your sector, then think about how you may tackle the topic from a different angle.

How do you outline your course content?

Determine the main learning objectives for each piece of your course’s content by segmenting it into modules or lessons. To keep students interested, utilize a range of media, including text, graphics, videos, and quizzes. Take into account the order in which you wish to convey the information.

How do you create course materials?

You can use software’s like PowerPoint, Google Slides, video editing software, or screen recording software to create course materials. To encourage involvement, be sure to incorporate interactive components like tests, activities, and debates.

How do you set up an online course platform?

Create a course outline and upload course materials, configure price and payment choices, and set parameters for course access and student communication to create an online course platform that matches your needs.

How do you market your course?

Create a landing page that highlights your course and its advantages, then advertise it on social media, send email campaigns to your current audience, and collaborate with other influencers or platforms in your field.

How do you launch your course?

Launch your course by building anticipation for it with a countdown or launch event, spreading the word about it via your email list and social media accounts, and providing early bird discounts or other incentives to entice early enrolment. Keep an eye on your progress and modify your marketing and promotion plans as necessary.

Wrapping Up:

Creating an online course can be a rewarding and profitable endeavor, but it requires careful planning and execution.

From choosing the right topic and target audience to creating engaging course content and promoting your course, there are many steps involved in the process.

By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can set yourself up for success in creating an online course that resonates with your target audience and generates revenue for your business.

Remember to prioritize the needs of your audience and leverage technology tools to enhance the learning experience.

With dedication and effort, you can create a successful online course and share your knowledge with the world.

Wish you all the Best. Please share your thoughts by clicking the colorful buttons and let me know in the Comments section when you scroll a bit down.

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