How to do SEO of Website in 2024? Awesome 10 Step Strategy

Well! now that you have made a website, you are having a feeling that you are not getting as much traffic as you would have wished for.

And bling, the answer is you need to do SEO of your website.

So You searched Google and somewhere you found this article, and here you are..

How to do SEO of Website

Wouldn’t this be nice, that even your web pages that you have painstakingly curated and written, also shows up the similar way as this page.

No worries, my friend! You have come to the right place and I will guide you How to do SEO of your website in 10 easy Steps.

After you reach the end of this Informative tutorial, you will have all the knowledge and tools required to start SEO of your website and certainly you will see success.

Key takeaways to start SEO

  • Types of SEO
  • Do Keyword Research
  • Create content targeting Keywords
  • Keyword Placements in Content
  • Internal and External Link Building
  • Reach out for Back links
  • Share Content on Social media

How to Overcome Initial Confusion about SEO?

I Know, I have been in this place a while ago, I can assure that even you can come out of this Confusion too.

Trust me All beginners had this issue and you are not alone.

  • There is no Magic and No tricks, and you may have heard of Black hat and White hat SEO, I can assure you No rabbits came out of those Hats.
  • They are just adjectives to point something related to the Strategy of doing SEO.
  • Yes you don’t need to shell out a Fortune do a decent  SEO of your site.
  • But you may need a Subscription of some Softwares, which can make your life easier and help you do things related to SEO.
  • Ranking is a by-product of wisely done optimization of several factors, on your site and promotional activities that you do with the Pages.
  • There is Organic ranking and Paid Ads Ranking. Not all are fortunate enough to pay for ads always. So we should focus on only Organic ranking.
  • Original Content Is the King of all SEO activities. Scraped content, Spun content, Copied Content are frowned upon by All search engines specially Google.
  • So please emphasize on this before jumping into the nitty gritty of SEO.
  • Understanding the Jargons is a part of the Process. You will find terms like ‘Meta’, ‘Slug’, “Keyword”, “Key Phrase”, “Back Links”, “Internal Links”, “DA”, “DR”, “Bounce Rate”, “Exit rate” and more.
  • Take a deep breath and Chill. These are just terms, and indicate a Specific Purpose of SEO.

Reasons, Why you should start SEO from today

1. SEO Takes Time to show any results

Determining how to correctly optimize your website by using the right keyword combination to increase your website’s ranking and,

in turn, increase website traffic, takes time. Starting SEO as soon as possible will be beneficial.

It is in your best interest to start SEO in order to get in front of potential clients because Google respects established websites more than newer ones.

2. Low cost and effort to get Started

As I said SEO is process and it is a Set of Tasks. This can be started by you without hiring a SEO expert or even giving ads.

The first place to start is your On page SEO, that itself will take some time to accomplish depending upon how many pages or posts you have.

3. Improve Visitor experience

SEO is finding balance between optimizing content for search engines and your website users and visitors.

This been said hopefully you understood, it’s not only about the search engine result page (SERP) of google but also the users who reads your content.

Positive user experience means by having a site that looks great, functional, useful and has a fast page loading time.

4. Get Higher ranking when searched

This is obviously the ultimate reason of doing SEO. A website that has been optimized receives more visitors than a website that doesn’t use SEO.

More prospective customers are likely to click through to your website, buy your product, or use your service when it appears on the first page of a Google search.

If you don’t start SEO today and take siege, your competitors most likely will.

How to do SEO of a Website?

So what are you waiting for? Let’s jump in and get Started.

STEP-1: Let Google Know your Site exists

After creating of your website, you should take into account the following things to tell Google and people around the world that your Site exists. The way to do it is indexing your site.

1. Create a Sitemap: A sitemap(.xml file) tells Google and other search engines what pages, posts, and other content you have on our website. It helps them find all your content and index it faster for improving your SEO ranking on Google.

2. Submit your website: Submit your website to Google Search Console, formerly Webmaster Tools, via the “Add Property” button to let them know it exists. Extra points for adding it to Bing Webmaster tools.

3. Submit the Sitemap: The sitemap(XML file) you created in step1 should now be submitted to search engines, so they know what pages and posts are on your website now and in the future.

STEP-2: Understand SEO Jargons and Terms

Understanding SEO terms may feel like listening to a Foreign language, though it is written in English. Here are few Terms that are a Must to address, and certainly I will be updating this Post to create a Glossary of terms in upcoming Days.

  • Keyword – It is a word that describes the content on your page or post at its best
  • Key Phrase – It is a meaningful combination word that describes the content on your page or post at its best
  • Meta: This is a Tag or snippets of code that tell search engines important information about your web page
  • Slug: A slug is the part of the URL of your page that is unique for each and every page of a website
  • Internal Links: An internal link is any link from one page on your website to another page on your website.
  • External Links: If you link out to another website, this is also considered an external link
  • Back Links: When Another website is referring your website via an external Link.
  • DA: Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages
  • DR: Domain rating (DR) is a metric created by the SEO tool Ahrefs that shows “the strength of a website’s backlink profile compared to the others in the ahrefs database on a 100-point scale”.
  • Bounce Rate: a bounce rate is the amount of visitors to any given website who navigate off of the site after viewing only one page, typically expressed as a percentage
  • White Hat SEO: Search engine optimization techniques that are aligned with search engine best practices.

STEP-3: Types of SEO

On-page, off-page, and technical SEO are the three main categories of SEO:

On-page SEO: Optimizing the quality and structure of your content on a page is known as on-page SEO. The three main factors affecting on-page SEO are content quality, keywords, and HTML tags.

Off-page SEO: Getting links from other websites and pages on your own website to the page you’re seeking to improve is known as off-page SEO. Your off-page MVPs are backlinks, internal linking, and reputation.

Technical SEO: Enhancing your site’s overall performance on search engines with technical SEO. Key factors in this case include structure, UX, and site security.

STEP-4: Do Keyword Research

Be careful to plan out your keyword research strategy before you upload a ton of content and copy to your website.

Keywords are the words or phrases that people of your target audience use in search engines like Google and Bing to find goods and services or to try to solve an issue.

Search engines, like Google, will deliver the most accurate results from websites, blogs, and photographs by matching up the most relevant information to the user’s search.

STEP-5: Create content targeting Keywords

The majority of your keyword targeting will come from long-form content in the form of blog entries, which should be easily  found on your primary navigation panels. Make sure your content is :

Create Content that satisfies Search Intent: Ensure that the information people are looking for when they search for this keyword is available in your content. This is why you should always conduct a Google search for the keyword.

Provide a satisfying experience: Make your content with graphics and images to illustrate concepts and loads swiftly and correctly on all devices. Don’t use unnecessary aggressive pop-ups, CTAs, or other distracting components.

Naturally readable: Please avoid keyword stuffing. Instead of writing content to be optimized for search engines, write as if you were a human speaking to your audience.

In-depth Content: Content Pages that which are thin, duplicate, or of low value are of NO interest to Google.

This translates to 1,500–2,500 words of precise, current, valuable informative content. Thin copy of 500-600 words are not much of use to readers nor Google likes it.

STEP-6: Keyword Placements in Content

Placements of your Keywords are of utmost important. You need to ‘Plate’ the content as per search engines ‘Palate’.

To tell Google what you’re trying to rank for, you need to include your keywords in the body of your content

and you’ll need to place it in a few important locations on the page as follows:

  • URL (Slug)
  • Meta description
  • SEO title (title tag)
  • Page title (H1 tag)
  • At least two H2 headings
  • Image alt text
  • Image file name
  • Obviously in the body
  • Alt Text Link to another page

STEP-7: Internal and External Link Building

You should incorporate both internal and external links while performing SEO for blog content.

  • External links: Locate 1-3 pages on other websites with high domain authority that are related to the topic you’re targeting and link to them in your post. By doing this, Google’s trust is improved.
  • Internal links: Make use of links to other blog posts on your site within the text of the post you’re producing. Make sure the links are pertinent to the page and the anchor text you are using.
  • This allows Google several path ways to reach any specific post, making your site easier for search engines to index. Depending on how long the post is and how much other stuff you have accessible to link to, you should decide how many to internal links to place.

STEP-8: Reach out for Back links

Being a Beginner earning a Backlink is Difficult, since no body knows your sites authority. So reaching out for a Back Link is the only option.

The most significant Google ranking element is backlinks, or referrals to your website from other websites.

Naturally, backlinks from websites with a better reputation are more valuable than those from websites with a lower reputation. You

will rank better the more high-quality backlinks you have.

There are many strategies to get Valuable Back Links, but a few are as follows:

  • Creating genuine, original content that is deserving of backlinks.
  • Proactive outreach to websites where a link to your content post would be beneficial.
  • Outreach High DA sites and Offer Posting as a guest, and jack some your URL’s in the post.
  • Spend money on PR coverage, where they will write about you and Link you back.

STEP 9: Share Content on Social media

In social media profiles, you should link to your homepage as well as share your blog entries frequently with your feed.

You receive referral traffic as a result, and the more people who view a content on social Media , the greater the likelihood that backlinks will develop.

Social media by itself does not directly affect your Google ranking, but your participation on the platforms and

the interaction users have with your material there do transmit social signals that do.

STEP 10: Update content Regularly

The SEO of the website is improved by fresh, frequently updated material, and the website’s traffic and reputation with search engines like Google are also increased.

Since content offers information that potential customers would find interesting, it has the capacity to increase traffic to your website.

Your website will attract new visitors and keep existing ones coming back with regularly updated, interesting content.

By carefully crafting content, using retargeting, and increasing conversion rates, you may draw in people who may not have previously searched for your goods or services.


What is SEO and why is it important for a website?

Search engine optimization, or SEO. In order to increase a website’s visibility and rating on search engines, optimization is the procedure used. A website needs SEO in order to boost visibility, draw in organic visitors, and encourage conversions.

How do you perform keyword research for SEO?

Using keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, find relevant keywords associated with your website or company. To select the most pertinent and efficient keywords, take into account the search volume and level of competition for each keyword.

How do you optimize on-page elements for SEO?

Focus on factors like page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, image alt tags, and content when optimising on-page components. Each piece should have pertinent keywords that are descriptive and compelling to encourage clicks.

How do you optimize off-page elements for SEO?

Build high-quality backlinks from relevant, reputable domains to optimise off-page components. To increase your website’s authority and rating, employ link-building strategies including guest posting, fixing broken links, and influencer outreach.

How do you improve website speed and performance for SEO?

Use a content delivery network, minify CSS and JavaScript scripts, decrease HTTP requests, and optimise pictures for speed and performance. To enhance user experience and ranking, make sure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly.

How do you track and analyze SEO performance?

To monitor and assess the success of your SEO efforts, use programs like Google Analytics or SEMrush. Maintain a close eye on KPIs like traffic, bounce rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate and modify your SEO strategy as necessary.

How do you stay up to date with SEO best practices and algorithm updates?

By monitoring industry blogs and forums, participating in webinars or conferences, and being informed of the most recent trends and updates from search engines like Google or Bing, you can keep up with SEO best practices and algorithm updates. To determine which SEO techniques are most effective for your website, keep experimenting with new ones.

Wrapping Up:

This article should provide you a solid foundation in SEO optimization, but I will also like to offer a lot of other resources to support your learning.

Till then Keep learning SEO and reaching new heights in Ranking. Let me know your Thoughts in the Comments section, I will be Happy to respond and also Please care to share this Article on your Social circle

Himadri Sengupta
Business Consultant

Himadri Sengupta

As a seasoned Product Consultant, I have helped numerous businesses turn their product visions into successful realities. Whether you’re a startup looking to launch your first product or an established business seeking to revamp your product line, I can help you achieve your goals..

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