How to Motivate yourself with 15 Easy Techniques

Motivation is so elusive, isn’t it? You experience it on certain days, but on others, despite your best efforts, you are unable to grasp even a little portion of it.

Easy Tools for How to Motivate yourself

While forcing yourself to type, create, and develop as you stare at the computer screen, you instead find yourself only going through the motions and showing little interest in the work you are generating.

You are obviously completely uninspired, and you have no idea how to change these feelings.

Let me tell you a story.

There was an idea suddenly came to my mind, I told myself, “I can turn this into a lucrative business.”

I pumped my fists and raised my shoulders, ready to begin developing the concept. I labored for a few days with the vigor of a racehorse. A few weeks later, I was no longer interested. I lost interest in the project and no longer had the drive to work on it.

Have you ever noticed that even your enthusiasm wanes after a while in a comparable circumstance? Did you create a plan but then fail to motivate yourself?

What is Motivation?

A dictionary type definition would be, the process by which a person plans, directs, and maintains a behavior towards a goal is known as motivation.

Motivation is a mental attitude that yearns for change, whether that change takes place within of us or in the outer world.

You need to personalize a pep talk so that it will speak to you personally because what keeps us motivated is as unique as we are.

The more self-aware and self-understood you are, the more successful your efforts will be.

A person must be internally motivated. Whether we refer to it as a need or a drive, motivation is a state of being inside of us that yearns for a change, either in the environment or in the self.

When we draw from this source of power, motivation gives us the drive and direction we need to interact with the world in a way that is adaptable, open-ended, and problem-solving.

Your Extrinsic motivation will be significantly influenced by the environment and social setting. Goals, ideals, and the desire to feel particular emotions connected to certain end-states will also serve as motivation.

What are the types of Motivation?

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are the two categories of motivation.

We must recognize that we are not all the same, thus learning about the various motivational styles is necessary if you want to properly motivate your staff.

Some people are more receptive to intrinsic, which translates as “from inside,” and will fulfil any commitment in a field they are passionate about.

Contrarily, some will respond better to extrinsic motivation, which in their view assumes that tough tasks may be completed as long as a reward is present.

Become an expert at identifying which type will complement you the best.

Extrinsic Motivation:

When activity is motivated by external benefits like money, a nice frame, a good grade, or praise, it is called extrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic motivation refers to the fact that a person’s motivational impulses are external. In other words, an external force directs our wants to carry out a task. Keep in mind that even when the activity’s reward comes from outside stimuli, the person executing the task will still find the task fulfilling.

Examples of extrinsic motives include earning awards in sports, working for pay, and receiving discounts for repeat business. Here are some additional examples:

  • Commuting to work in order to earn money.
  • Studying in order to achieve a high grade.
  • Helping others just to get attention.
  • Volunteering merely because it enhances one’s résumé.
  • Visiting the same store because loyalty programs are advantageous.
  • Because you don’t want your lover to be angry, you clean your home.
  • Travelling to new locations just to share the experience on social media.
  • Paying taxes in order to avoid being fined.
  • Pursuing a particular degree in order to please your parents.
  • Going on a business vacation just because your employer told you so.

Intrinsic Motivation:

When someone is intrinsically driven, they are inspired to act by the fun or challenge involved rather than by outside demands, pressures, or rewards.

The term “intrinsic motivation” refers to a person’s internal sources of motivation. Because the results of a certain work are in line with his beliefs or because it satisfies a need, the person wants to do it because it is important.

The strongest motivators are your entirely natural desires.

The urge to perform when there are no visible external incentives is known as intrinsic motivation. You engage in it because you find it to be fun and intriguing, not because of any external constraints or incentives like rewards or deadlines.

In a nutshell, intrinsic motivation is the desire to carry out an action for its own sake as opposed to out of a need for an external reward or under external pressure. In essence, the action itself is a reward.

Extrinsic motivation is more concerned with monetary rewards, status, and public acclaim, whereas intrinsic motivation is more concerned with personal development, a sense of duty, and the recognition of purpose.

  • Exercising because you like the way it makes you feel.
  • Working longer hours because you are committed to your work.
  • Investing money in order to achieve financial independence.
  • Travelling in order to experience various cultures.
  • Working as a team because you like working together.
  • Educating oneself on personal growth because you desire to get better.
  • Bringing your kids to the playground because it makes you happy.
  • Studying because you’re interested in the subject matter.
  • Attempting to lead well because you wish to motivate others.

What is Self Motivation?

To be more precise, self-motivation is the inner urge that propels you to act in support of a goal. Even when we don’t want to, it keeps you moving forward.

You may use going for a run as an illustration of this. You set a goal of running for 20 minutes, but after 15 you’re worn out. You wish to halt. It takes self-motivation to maintain your discipline to finish the task at hand.

Consider why you haven’t yet accomplished the goal, whatever it may be. What is preventing you?

Perhaps external factors are the first solutions that come to mind.

You are short on time. You lack the necessary abilities. You lack the necessary funds.

While these factors may contribute to your lack of development, the actual issue is a lack of drive on your own.

You can achieve anything you set your mind to when you’re motivated and resourceful, provided you have the willpower to do so.

Why Self Motivation Important?

You can do what you set out to do with the help of self-motivation. You need to be enthusiastic about your life and driven to succeed in order to be self-motivated.

A crucial ability that enables you to seize new possibilities despite setbacks is the ability to motivate oneself.

The key to attaining your goals is to be motivated by yourself. It has an effect on both your personal and professional life. You might have trouble without it. Even if having a network of supporters is crucial, you cannot rely on them to motivate you during your entire life.

You may choose your career path on your own rather than relying on others, which will give you the power to succeed in anything you set out to do.

Self-efficacy, or the confidence we have in our ability to achieve our objectives or a particular standard, is connected to self-motivation.

We have a better chance of success if we have faith in our own abilities and capabilities. Being confident in our ability to maintain motivation will raise our self-efficacy, which raises our intrinsic motivation. Win-win situation.

What are the Key elements of Self Motivation?

If you’ve ever set a goal for yourself, such as wanting to run a marathon or drop 20 pounds, you are undoubtedly already aware of the fact that having the desire to do so is insufficient.

Additionally, you must be able to overcome challenges and possess the willpower to continue despite hardships.

There are 3 major components of motivation:


It is the decision to begin a practice. Enrolling to a Gym to loose weight is an example of activation.


It is the persistence in pursuing a goal in the face of potential difficulties. Showing up for your Gym class despite being exhausted after staying up late the night before is an example of Commitment.


It is the intensity with which one pursues an objective. Showing up in the Gym but wasting time chatting with friends or Browsing social media (Minimal Intensity) compared to covering all Reps and sets with diligence without wasting time (High Intensity)

The effect of each of these motivational factors will determine whether you succeed in reaching your objective. If you are highly activated, you are more likely to begin pursuing a goal.

If you maintain working toward that objective and how much effort you put into achieving it depends on your commitment and intensity.

15 Easy Tools to Motivate yourself

Science of motivation is complicated. You must first improve your understanding of yourself in order to learn how to motivate yourself.

Here are a few pointers to taking a proactive approach towards Self-Motivation. To summarize I have divided the 15 Easy Tools into 3 manageable 5 sets of tools that you can play along the way.


1. Answer your “WHY”

What counts most is your why—the reason you’re doing what you’re doing—rather than the what or the how. Knowing what you’re working toward in detail helps motivate you to keep on track. You need a compelling reason for living that goes beyond accumulating stuff or moving up the corporate ladder.

  • Why do you want to build a Business?
  • Why do you want to loose weight?
  • Why do you want to Start Blogging?
  • Why do you want to learn that Musical Instrument?

You’ll never lack motivation if you can link your Ambitions back to your Mission.

2. Calm Your Mind

Regular meditation is a fantastic method to decompress. Deep meditation will assist you in managing your emotional inclinations, removing temptations, and refocusing your attention. You’ll probably increase your focus and productivity at work by soothing your mind and spirit.

3. Positive Self Talk

Self-affirming words will enable you to perform to the best of your ability since positive ideas lead to positive actions. Take charge of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. You’ll be able to make the decisions that lead to success if you’re positive. You can say these in your mind.

  • I am Beautiful and Lovely
  • I Look good
  • I am good at Maths
  • I am an Excellent Human Being

Your capacity to complete a task depends on your level of confidence. Progression is built on optimism.

4. Use Power of Music

When you need a boost of motivation, keep your favorite playlist and a pair of headphones close by so you can use the power of music.

Avoid Lyrical music and try to listen Instrumental ones, this will help you in not getting drained in emotions of the lyrics and also cutting down the external noise and talks that may distract you from doing what were supposed to do.

To pull yourself out of a pit of despair and more focused on the task at hand, try tapping into the beats and rhythms that increase your mood and energy.

5. Change Your Inputs

You are what you consume, as you are well aware. Our daily consumption includes food, music, podcasts, television, and social media.

So, if it’s hard for you to stay motivated, try changing things up a bit. Check out a must-read book, tune into some encouraging podcasts, or watch some uplifting content.

This can assist you in reviving, refueling, and finding the drive to complete your tasks.


6. Set ONE Goal

Your ideas are put into action via clearly defined goals. It is the crucial stage that comes before doing. You could feel paralyzed with anxiety and fear if your objective seems too massive or unreachable. That’s why Choose only ONE goal. You need to choose only one Goal from.

  • I need to have Six Packs Abs
  • I must Build a 7 figure Business
  • I Need to start my Online Course
  • I need to master playing Piano

This is a guaranteed technique to keep your motivation growing and keep you rooted and focused.

7. Create small Tasks 

No matter how long and complicated the activity is, you can do it by dividing it into smaller, manageable chunks, just as you would eat a large meal in little bites.

If you’re having trouble staying motivated, divide big activities into numerous smaller ones. These are some ways you can break bigger tasks in to smaller chunks and manageable steps.

  • Observe the situation in a broad perspective.
  • Having a plan will help you stay focused.
  • Set your tasks’ priorities.
  • Think about the logical progression of finishing each item.
  • Make a schedule for finishing your task.

You can prevent tension and procrastination by doing this. You can have a sense of accomplishment after completing each step of a task, which will dramatically boosts your motivation.

8. Avoid Multi-Tasking

Give the task at hand your entire and undivided attention rather than splitting it up. Your chances of success significantly increase if you do this.

You may believe that working on three projects at once is the most effective method for getting things done but Multi-tasking diminishes focus.

Choose the most important task you need to complete, focus entirely on it until you’ve finished what needs to be done, and then go on to the next one.

9. Finish what you start

Many people struggle with this; they are eager to start something new or accept a challenge, but when it comes to following through, they just can’t. Make an effort to finish what you have started because doing so will help you achieve your goals and boost your self-confidence.

10. Seize the Deadline

I know deadlines are scary. But here you are choosing your own Deadline. To motivate you to complete a task before the allotted time expires, give it a deadline. By putting a time limit on an activity, you can gather your materials and resources to complete tasks that you might not otherwise do.


11. Reward Yourself

Create a system of rewards for finishing difficult tasks or meeting a deadline and discover what it takes to motivate yourself to do so. Rewards appeal to everyone. Self-motivated people, on the other hand, do not depend on outside sources for that drive. You give yourself a reward to spur yourself on.

Plan a reward for yourself once the task is completed when you are trying to do it. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive; it just needs to be something you eagerly anticipate.

This reward can be a Cup of Coffee, playing with your Dog or just having a Plum Candy. You can re-wire your Brain, and get things done by You in this process.

12. Learn to Say “NO”

Saying “yes” to everything is a common mistake. Even if it may be difficult, you shouldn’t try to appease everyone. Consider your time, aspirations, and objectives before responding “YES.”

Sometimes it’s preferable to put your own needs first and be a little egotistical. Try not to over-apologize and project a powerful demeanor.

You will feel more in control and be able to concentrate more on your own activities if you can learn to say “NO.”

13. Ask for Help

Never feel ashamed to ask for Help. You are not putting yourself down in anyway. Consider asking a close friend or member of your family for assistance if you’re having trouble getting motivated on your own. You could ask them to monitor your development and hold you accountable.

Keep in mind that since we are only human beings and not machines, there are always things that are out of our power. Therefore, do not be afraid to contact a person who can offer help if you feel worn out as a result of doing too much work.

You’ll be surprised to learn that a lot of people like to assist others. Even if it is not something you often do, all you need to do is ask.

14. Eliminate Distractions

Reduce outside distractions at work to increase productivity and, as a result, get free time. When you remove distractions from a work, your productivity will increase significantly.

Think you are typing rapidly for a book or essay, and your Kids are of your shoulders hanging and talking to you to get your attention.

Try to remove all the distractions and concentrate exclusively on the subject at hand when working on and completing a task that you need to be motivated to do.

While some people perform better in a quiet setting, others perform better with some background noise. Eliminating distractions and assisting your focus on what needs to be done are essential.

15. Declutter Surrounding

When you can’t see your bedroom floor and your workstation looks like something exploded on it, it’s quite tough to stay motivated.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Clean room, clean mind”?

What kind of atmosphere do you have? Is it orderly, clean, and neat? Or is it disorganized and crowded? Create a motivation-boosting environment by starting from the outside in.


What are some tools to help me set and achieve goals?

You can set and fulfil your goals with the help of a number of tools. Popular choices include productivity tools like Todoist and Evernote, habit-tracking apps like Habitica and Streaks, and goal-setting apps like Trello and Asana.

How can I use technology to stay motivated?

You can maintain your motivation using a variety of technology-based tools and services, including motivational blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos, and social media profiles.

How can I track my progress and stay motivated?

Tracking your progress is a terrific method to stay inspired and gauge your success. Progress-tracking programmes come in a variety of forms, including habit-tracking applications, fitness monitoring applications, and productivity applications like RescueTime and Focus@Will.

Are there any tools that can help me stay focused and avoid distractions?

Indeed, you can stay focused and avoid distractions with the aid of a number of technologies. Noise-cancelling headphones, browser add-ons like Freedom and StayFocusd, and productivity tools like Forest and Focus@Will are some of the more well-liked choices.

Can meditation apps help with motivation?

Absolutely, numerous meditation applications like Calm and Headspace include mindfulness exercises and guided meditations that can enhance focus, lower stress levels, and boost motivation.

Are there any tools that can help with motivation in the workplace?

Indeed, a variety of office tools, including those for team collaboration like Slack and Zoom, project management like Asana and Basecamp, and communication like Skype and Google Meet, can aid with motivating.

How can I stay motivated when working on long-term projects?

It’s important to divide large tasks into smaller, more doable jobs in order to maintain motivation on lengthy endeavours. To keep track of your progress and maintain motivation as you finish each assignment, you can utilise project management tools or a straightforward to-do list. Furthermore, rewarding yourself as you reach milestones helps keep you motivated all along the way.

Wrapping Up

Self-motivation is a learned skill. Self-motivation tactics are practical actions you may take to get yourself moving in the right direction. Even if you only pick up one or two tools, they’ll be useful.

However, if you begin utilizing all 15 self-motivation tools, observe how much more productive you become!

You might even surprise yourself; I believe! In a good manner, the feeling of accomplishment can become almost addictive.

Himadri Sengupta
Business Consultant

Himadri Sengupta

As a seasoned Product Consultant, I have helped numerous businesses turn their product visions into successful realities. Whether you’re a startup looking to launch your first product or an established business seeking to revamp your product line, I can help you achieve your goals..

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