How to Start a Podcast in 10 easy Steps in 2024

It’s been a while that you might be listening to some podcasts and now you have feeling that you should also try this podcasting thing.

Congratulations! If you are a Beginner and looking for a tutorial to start your own Podcasting Business, You have come to the right place.

How to Start a Podcast

After you reach the end of this Informative tutorial, you will have all the knowledge and tools required to start from a new Podcast from scratch to monetizing it.

Key Takeaways to Start a Podcast

  1. Choose a Podcast Topic or Niche
  2. Decide your Podcasting Type
  3. Design podcast Cover and Art Work
  4. Prepare Intro and Outro Music
  5. Get right Equipment and Software
  6. Record Your First Podcast Episode
  7. Master Audio Editing software
  8. Choose Your Podcast Hosting Service
  9. Publish your First Podcast and Distribute

How to Overcome Initial Fear of Starting a Podcast?

You are afraid and hesitant because there is a Gap in in your knowledge and your wish to start your podcast. Once you fill in this gap and create a Bridge between your insecurities and executions things will be much easier.

  • Don’t let Fear get in the way of starting your podcasting Journey.
  • Own your accomplishments and have confidence in your value. Focus on trusting yourself rather than worrying about whether or not listeners will believe your podcast.
  • It shouldn’t really matter how other people feel about podcasting because you want to create one. Since you are the one who’s putting all efforts into the podcast. You can’t really tell, even if you’ll like it or not, until you actually dip your toes in the water.
  • If you think Podcasting is expensive, then I will say some expenditure is inevitable. However, if you are hesitant to spend money without first calculating the amount, you should certainly take a seat with a pen and paper and reconsider your wish.

So don’t think too much garner your courage within, and Start.

Reasons, Why you should start Podcasting today

1. Let your Voice known to the world

How important would it be for you to be recognized as an authority in your area or niche? I’ll respond on your behalf: It would be a fantastic value. People who are in your niche will value your perspective, and you will gain their respect as an authority.

2. Low cost and effort to get Started

You know, podcasting is a career that costs very little money to start and will inspire hobbyists to screams in enthusiasm. With a Basic recording equipment, which the majority of people already own for various reasons, is all you need to get started.

3. Build your personal brand

Branding oneself is crucial. more so than ever in the era of digital technology. Future opportunities may come your way if you build a strong personal brand. Whether this is achieved through sponsors, employment opportunities, your online persona tells a lot about who you are.

4. Less Competition than other Platforms

Currently, there are: below 3 million podcasts, over 37 million YouTube channels, over 1 billion blogs worldwide. It’s a safe assumption based on this research that it would be easier to compete with a podcast.

5. Podcast has Potential to Monetize

You may make money from your podcast in a few different ways. You can charge sponsors to be listed on your show if your download numbers are significant enough.

Additionally, you can advertise your own goods and services on your show like books, courses, or consulting, for example.

How to start Podcasting?

So what are you waiting for? Let’s jump in and get Started.

STEP1: Choose a Podcast Topic or Niche

Your first inclination could be to select a subject that appeals to your interests and passions. Great! This is where you should start, but you should also think about a topic that fits with the reason you want to start a podcast.

Most importantly, consider your target market and what special value you can provide for them.

For this reason, we advise choosing a specialized subject. The easier it is to plan content around a theme, the more specialized it must be.

STEP2: Decide your Podcasting Type and Name

Decide the most effective subject in your life to explain your podcast topic. If you’re producing a podcast about history, a documentary format might work for you; however, if you’re producing a podcast about entrepreneurs, you’ll undoubtedly want to conduct interviews with prominent thought leaders.

There are predominantly 3 Types of Podcasts These days

1. SOLO: You saying your stuff

This can be one of the greatest podcast formats for you if you’ve been wondering how to start a podcast. These podcasts are frequently delivered as monologues, with just one host (you) in charge.

2. CO-HOSTED: You and your Friend/Partner Talking

With two or more hosts, this type of podcasting can be more engaging than a show with only one host. This can be a great choice for you if you’ve been looking at how to launch a podcast and have a business partner.

3. INTERVIEW: You and your Guest Talking

Each episode of this podcast features interviews with a different guest conducted by one or two hosts. This structure is well-liked because it doesn’t usually call for extensive pre-work. But you need to prepare, make Timing scheduled and have a List of questions and research your guest extensively.

When you have decided the Type of your Podcast, deciding the Name of your show will be your next goal. Your podcast’s name should be somewhat short and unique, much like any successful brand.

It will make it simpler for new listeners to find your podcast when they conduct a search for it and help your existing listeners remember your show. Longer titles can occasionally be effective since they are self-evident.

STEP3: Design podcast Cover and Art Work

Your cover art is the first thing most people will notice as they browse through Apple Podcasts or any other podcast app.

Additionally, it is the picture that viewers see when you post about your show on social media.

It’s might also be the image someone sees when you share your show on social media.

STEP4: Prepare Intro/Outro Music

You obviously need a strong intro and outro. Make your intro and outro outstanding because they will be heard by listeners first and last, respectively.

Humans are known for having short attention spans, therefore you must grab their attention quickly.

And make sure your outro keeps them interested if you want them to watch your next episode.

STEP5: Get right Equipment and Software

Don’t bother too much about the equipment when you start. Remember the content you create is more important than anything else. But still easier said than done.

Your goals and budget are the main determining factors. You can start a podcast with a computer and a solid concept if you’re really short on finances.

But if you’re determined to make a podcast that people will love listening to, start with these Basic tools:

  • Microphone: Audio-Technica ATR2100, Samson Q2U
  • Headphones‍: Sennheiser 280 PRO, Audio Technica ATH-m20x
  • Laptop or desktop computer: HP Spectre x360 , Macbook Air
  • Podcast camera (for video podcasts): Logitech Brio, Sony a5100, or the Panasonic HC-V770K

Additional equipment to consider:

  • Pop Filter
  • Audio interface and/or mixer
  • Microphone stand
  • Lighting
  • Sound-proofing materials

Using a audio recording software is the best and simplest way to record a podcast. On the market, there are numerous free and paid options. Several possibilities are:

  • GarageBand (free)
  • Adobe Audition (paid)
  • Audacity (free)
  • Skype (free and paid)
  • Zoom (free and paid)
  • (free and paid)

STEP 6: Record Your First Podcast Episode

Your recording equipment has arrived, you’ve found a spot to record, and you’ve decided on the subject for your debut episode.

It’s time to share your tale. Many podcasters use their editing sofware to record audio directly.

Some hosts use their scripts, while others use notes or free-form speech.

Your format may affect which route you decide to go; if you have guests or co-hosts, the discourse will probably be more open-ended.

If you’re the only host, taking notes or following a script can help you remain on topic with your ideas or the tale you want to tell.

  • Don’t forget to record a brief introduction to describe who you are and what your podcast will consist of for your listeners.
  • A brief farewell at the end of your episode along with contact information (such as your email or social media accounts) can be a nice idea.
  • Additionally, as it will make you more prominent on Apple Podcasts, you can invite your listeners to rank and review your podcast there.

STEP 7: Master Audio Editing software

If the sound of your voice makes you cringe, don’t worry—we’ve all been there. Fortunately, your listeners will think that your voice is completely normal.

As was previously noted, the majority of podcasters record directly into their editing software. Many of them also make use of free software.

  • Garageband is a free audio editing software that is already included with Apple products.
  • Software called Audacity is available for free and may be used on both Macs and PCs.
  • Reaper and Hindenburg Journalist are other choices (that you must pay for and operate on both Macs and PCs).

STEP 8: Choose Your Podcast Hosting Service

The next step is to upload your podcast to a podcast hosting site after you’ve finished recording and editing it.

In order to publish your podcast on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Sticher, and other podcast platforms, these podcast hosting services will give you an optimal RSS URL.

There are lots of both free and expensive podcast hosting options available. Some of my favorites are listed here: 




STEP 9: Publish your First Podcast and Distribute

The next step after creating a podcast is to publish it on various listening services. You must save your podcast content on a podcast hosting website in order to accomplish this.

After that, you’ll use your podcast hosting website to upload content to a listening directory, where your audience can find your show.

An RSS feed for your podcast will be provided by your hosting company.

Your listeners can enjoy your show on the platform of their choosing by submitting the RSS feed to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, Overcast, etc.

A quick start guide describing how to publish your feed to each of these sites is available.

STEP 10: Promote and Monetize your Podcast

Now that you want to connect with listeners, let them know you exist! Consider creating a website that people can.

Additionally, advertising on social media is the most effective approach to generate discussion about your show.

It enables you to communicate directly with your audience, share more information about your episodes,

and encourage their interest in your show with teasers and previews.

You may quickly create an audio teaser for your podcast using services like Headliner, which you can then share on social media.


What equipment do you need to start a podcast?

A microphone, headphones, a computer, and recording software are required to start a podcast. To get better sound quality, think about spending money on a high-quality microphone and headphones.

How do you choose a topic for your podcast?

Choose a subject that both piques your interest and has a large audience. Investigate the available podcasts in your field to find any holes that your show can cover.

How do you plan and structure your podcast episodes?

Create an outline or screenplay for your podcast episodes that contains an introduction, the primary content, and a conclusion. To keep your audience interested, think about including elements like interviews, Q&A sessions, or news updates.

How do you record and edit your podcast episodes?

To record your podcast episodes, use a program like Audacity or GarageBand. Modify your episodes by getting rid of any errors or pointless material and adding music for the opening and outro as well as sound effects or transitions.

How do you host and distribute your podcast episodes?

Choose a podcast hosting service like Buzzsprout or Libsyn to host your episodes. To reach a larger audience, submit your episodes to podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

How do you promote your podcast and grow your audience?

Advertise your podcast on your website, on social media, and by appearing as a guest on other podcasts and radio shows. To boost visibility and credibility, ask your audience to submit reviews and ratings to podcast directories.

How do you monetize your podcast?

Sponsorships, affiliate marketing, product sales, or Patreon memberships can all be used to monetize your podcast. To draw possible sponsors and monetization opportunities, concentrate on growing a devoted following and producing top-notch content.

Wrapping Up:

Anything new may be a bit confusing and hard at first. But as you wet your feet a bit in the water, swimming can be in the reckoning. I will be happy to help and answer your queries in the Comments section.

Please feel free to jot down your thoughts and give me some feedback.

From Brick bats to Marshmallows all accepted. Also Please Share this article in your Social Circle, you never know any of your Friends may need this.

Himadri Sengupta
Himadri Consultant

Himadri Sengupta

As a seasoned Product Consultant, I have helped numerous businesses turn their product visions into successful realities. Whether you’re a startup looking to launch your first product or an established business seeking to revamp your product line, I can help you achieve your goals..

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